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Buitelaar’s Aberdeen Angus Tomohawk steak was nominated for the Best Red Meat Product, receiving a well-deserved spot on the Judge’s Highly Commended list.

The annual Food Management Today Industry Awards recognises the hard work and excellence of UK wide food processors and manufacturers in the food sector. Due to Covid restrictions the annual awards were presented for the first time this year, as a virtual event.

Products are extensively judged by a full team of home economists and industry experts; not only are they looking for exceptional taste, but a fantastic story behind the product as well.

The Buitelaar Aberdeen Angus Tomohawk steak was hand selected by a master butcher and dry aged in a specialist chamber that controls both humidity and airflow; improving both tenderness and an enhanced beef flavour profile.

Oliver King, Head of Meat Sales said:

“we are always pleased to be recognised for our product quality, especially when taking into account the quality of the competing entrants!”

You can watch the awards ceremony here.

Find out more about our meat brands here.